Busy worms - 2023 06 11
I lifted the lid on the worm farm Level 1 and could see worms at the top of the compost material, there were a couple migrating into Level 2. Microbiology is like magic. There are all these interacting lifeforms too small for me to see. What I do see is the compost pile slowly turning into soil. This gardening experience is very different from my previous attempts - over decades - to grow a garden. I never understood soil biology. I never understood that the plants growing in the garden need bacteria working in the soil. The soil is alive. When there is healthy soil, there are healthy plants. My worm friends are teaching me about soil biology. It is fun to go out and check on them, to see how they are doing, to make sure their newsprint cover is moist. As I picked up Level 2 of my worm farm to check on Level 1 activity, I could see a couple of wigglers working their way up through the screen to get to the new food supply in level 2.