Planted peas and bean seedlings - 2024 05 20
I have adopted a basic rule to organize my plantings - food crops are in containers, non-food pollinators and flowers are planted into the ground. My thinking is that the food crops need more consistent moisture and soil enrichment, which is going to attract the inquisitive, acquisitive roots of the Lombardi Poplar, whose roots radiate over the entire surface of our property. The non-food plants are more used to finding their nutrients and moisture in relation to the existing ecosystem of roots. I had run out of garden bags yesterday, but the peas and bean shoots were not going to wait for me to get another order from the Amazon. The plastic bins have holes drilled in the bottom to allow excess moisture to flow through. I have ordered another batch of grow bags to transfer the plantings. Come to think of it - I am going to need another load of soil from the city to mix in with my compost and worm castings. I have used up the last of the soil we brought in last year. I could...